This is my little sister, Demri. Always spunky and full of shocking humor, she embarked on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints about three months ago to Chile. She'll be gone for a total of 18 months, teaching the latin people about Jesus Christ in another language. This blog is about her mission, with quotes from her letters, and maybe a little of my own insights!
The first leg of her mission began in the missionary training center in Provo, Utah. She was there for about 8 weeks, really delving into the scriptures and learning how to best teach the gospel, all in spanish. The MTC can be quite regimentary, and one only leaves to visit the Provo LDS temple, located just across the street.
Here is Demri with her first companion, Hermana Talbot. Demri and Hermana Talbot will be together their entire time in the MTC, and then when Demri is transferred to Chile she'll be given a new companion. The second photo is of Demri with her Hermana Cornelius name tag, which she was so excited and eager to get, the name she'll be known by for the next year and a half.
Demri has now been out 3 months, so I've got some catching up to do, which I'll try to do soon!