"We were planning a baptism this week (for a man named Alfredo, who is amazing) and the ward mission leader wanted us to do a special musical number. Well, I sang a solo at his baptism. I was so nervous, my voice was shaking as I sang. I know it sounded horrible. I will never, if I can, sing a solo again! The things the mission makes you do! Haha. But, never, never again. It was so embarrassing and awful.
"And another 6 weeks went by, time for transfers…but no. I am not leaving. Neither is my companion. Which means, with this change, I will have 7 months in this area! I really like this area, but I think I will be ready for a change in the future.
"How fast time flies, no? I am going to be home before I know it. I realized the other night that I do speak Spanish, not fluently, but I can get my point across, I think, for the most part. And that is comforting. I am not really nervous to speak it anymore, well, a little bit, but not like before. Neither am I nervous not to understand. I usually get the gist of everything. I still don't understand a lot, but it is coming. I feel like I should know more though after 5 months here. And completing 7 months in 6 weeks...I feel like I should know so much more! But God helps me. I know that if I studied more or put more effort into it sometimes he would help me more. The spirit is amazing and really does help you! Its neat when I say something that I have never said before, like a new way to say a sentence, or just in a way that I have never before expressed myself in Spanish. That shows improvement I think."