This week was full of activity. Thursday, we had our Christmas activity. We played soccer and did relays, ate food, I got to sit next to the (Mission) President and his wife; we had a great devotional talking about Christ, and we ended by eating kettle corn and watching It's a Wonderful Life. We had an activity for the Relief Society (an organization for the women of the LDS church). We brought an investigator and learned how to make Christmas bags from wrapping paper. Then, on Saturday, we went to the temple. There are nativities there, lights, choirs, etc. It was fun and great to go. Then we eneded up taking a (member of the LDS church that doesn't attend very often) again last night. I know that the spirit was there and will hopefully help the people that we are working with. The most unusual thing is that we had a rain on Saturday night. It is almost summer here!