Christmas day was nice. We had lunch with a nice family. We ended up eating BBQ. And it was yummy! Then we went to go visit another family right afterwards, and they gave us more meat! Very nice of them, but I was stuffed. Then we were able to go and sing to a few more people. What a blessing. I could really feel the spirit of Christmas…being able to help people build their testimonies in Christ on Christmas…it was a wonderful Christmas. Then to finish the night we had planned to go dinner with a family. I was stuffed, but we couldn't back out. So we ate more meat, and spaghetti. I was stuffed…but felt fine.
My companion was throwing up throughout the night. I threw up at 5:30am Sunday morning. We had to go to church…as missionaries…you just don't miss church. With church starting at 9 am, I get up to get ready. At 8:30am, I throw up again...followed by my companion...there is no way we were going to church! We were in bed practically all day, recovering. Never in my entire mission have I been sick like this, nor have I stayed in an entire day. We got a blessing. And we feel much better now. I lost 3 lbs!
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