Wednesday, December 30, 2009
La hermanita speaks!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
She's engaged...in a good cause, that is!

"A cool thing. I was talking to an Elder the other day who is from California. I was speaking to him in Spanish and didn't realize it, because we almost always talk in English. I thought I was talking in English. I didn't realize it was Spanish! Cool!
"So my companion and I split up for a while on Saturday. I went with a young woman and my companion went with another missionary (to teach). I had to lead, and direct the lessons we taught...I DID IT! It was such a confidence booster for me. I didn't understand everthing that people said to me, but wow. I sure was able to grow in those 2 hours. Usually my companion leads and directs the lessons. But the young woman didn't say anything, so clearly I had to do it. They were just scriptures, not a real lesson, but I did it. I know I can do this. I was so happy afterwards, knowing that I can do it. I still need someone to speak spanish though, companion wise because there still is a lot that I don't understand."
Monday, November 16, 2009
Always a trooper

Friday, October 30, 2009
La Hermanita's got bathroom humor

Monday, October 19, 2009
In her own words...

Also, our two baptisms were confirmed! (In the Church of Jesus Christ, once you are baptized you receive a blessing by the laying on of hands from men with proper authority from God. This blessing gives you the presence of the Holy Spirit at all times, as long as you are living righteously. It is called a confirmation.) It made me reflect on the time I got the spirit. One of our investigators is 75 and she is just getting it now! I had it at 8! 8! What a blessing it has been in my life. I am grateful for the opportunity to have it in my life. I have realized what a blessing and companion it has been. I encourage you to do the same!"
Monday, October 5, 2009
No more meat, please!

"We found an investigator through a Cosecha (harvest). What we do is at night we knock on people's doors and ask them if we can bless their house with a prayer. So, we found a family through doing this. The other night we read from the Book of Mormon with the mom. My companion explained the history and we read from different parts. It was very cool. I just felt the spirit and I am pretty sure it touched the heart of the investigator. She is interested in it. After that experience my companion said to me that her testimony in The Book of Mormon had just increased. I felt the same way. There is so much power in The Book of Mormon! So, this week was the independence of Chile. Which means we ate meat, and a whole ton of it. I probably ate the equivalent of my leg in meat this week. Yea, not a meat fan at the moment. Moderation!"
She cracks me up!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Beginning