"These photos are not very good, but I will have better ones in the coming weeks. One, we got caught in the rain without umbrellas, yea. We were soaked. In the other, a bunch of us missionaries go to an area to sing and talk to people (about Christ). There were more missionaries there than what you see here; they are out talking to people while we are singing. It is scary, but I feel like I have had some good success talking to some people in these presentations."

"So we were at a member's house. She and her children are learning English. They asked me to give the prayer in English. Oh my gosh…some words were really hard. I really had to think about it in English, about what I was saying and I had to search for the English word in my head..haha. It was…a surprise. I have only been here, not even 2 months…what is 14 more going to hold for me?
Also, our two baptisms were confirmed! (In the Church of Jesus Christ, once you are baptized you receive a blessing by the laying on of hands from men with proper authority from God. This blessing gives you the presence of the Holy Spirit at all times, as long as you are living righteously. It is called a confirmation.) It made me reflect on the time I got the spirit. One of our investigators is 75 and she is just getting it now! I had it at 8! 8! What a blessing it has been in my life. I am grateful for the opportunity to have it in my life. I have realized what a blessing and companion it has been. I encourage you to do the same!"
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