My new area is good. There are lots of people here that support missionary work and such.My companion is from Los Angeles. She looks Latina. She does have a gringa accent though. She is a power house. She talks to everybody. She knows how to teach so people understand. She really puts a lot into missionary work. That was what I prayed for. I wanted a companion that works hard. We had so much success this week. We found 12 new people to teach this week! The Lord is really blessing us. Its funny. She thinks that I am the reason for so much success and I think that she is. We love talking about the gospel and setting goals together. I have so much to learn from her. I feel very unworthy at times to be her companion because I just feel like she does everything better, but I am realizing that I just have a different way of doing things and that is ok. I am more quiet and I feel like she has to go over parts that I missed or stuff. But I talk simple. I keep things simple and that is ok. I am learning to have a better self esteem. God sent me here for me, my personality, as I am.
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