"This is my companion, Hermana Aranda, and I. Like our aprons? We did a noche de hogar (you meet with a family and share a spiritual message) and made tacos for a family. It was fun.
We didn't have a baptism this week, but the Elders did. That is one every week for our area in the month of May. And we are planning on 2 next weekend, one on our side, one with the Elders.
Chile is getting cold. It was a fast week. We are having conference this weekend and they called me today to ask to lead music. I don't lead. That puts me way out of my comfort zone..but what do I do? I had to say yes. But my comp is teaching me. I am going to be so nervous Wednesday.
Last night was good. We worked to the death, running to the last house because we had like 4 more mintues left (before we were supposed to be home). It was great. I love working hard. This is peoples' salvation!"
By the way, happy birthday, little sis!
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