"Nothing has happened with Olivia yet. Her granddaughter said she was out of town and she doesn't come out when we go by.
However, God is blessing us...
"So on Friday, we were planning for the week. We realized that one of our investigatores could get baptised at anytime. And we felt like we should do it asap, or in other words, the next day. It was a little stressful, getting everything done and ready, from the interview (anyone who gets baptized is interviewed first, just to make sure they feel ready) to getting the keys to the church, etc, but so worth it. We said prayers and Lorena, nine years old, got baptised on Saturday. It was a beautiful, beautiful baptism. She is just this little, beautiful innocent girl, that has gone through some rough family situations. It was great to see her following the example of Jesus Christ. Then she got confirmed yesterday. The Spirit was strong in the sacrament meeting when she received the Holy Ghost (those with priesthood authority from God give new members a blessing to always have the Holy Spirit with them). God did a lot of miracles for this little girl and her family this weekend. It was such a change from last week, which was rough. God blessed us so much this weekend! He is doing miracles!"
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