I am with an Hermana from St. George, Ut. This is only her third change here (she's only been here 4 1/2 months). I am excited to work with her and that means that we will be depending on my spanish....:) Hope that goes well. It makes me feel good. The Lord has confidence in me. We are up in the mountains. I haven't seen a level part of the area yet. Oh fun, summer is arriving....I am excited to work in another area. I am up in the north of the mission...it is different from the south where I was. People are a little harder here, but its ok, the spirit is what softens them up.
We didn't have baptisms this past change; the first time that I have not had a baptism in a change. Its ok. I had to learn that it didn't mean that I was a failure. My companion from the MTC (the missionary training center) is now there, in my old area. She is going to rock it and everyone is going to love her.
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