"How do I feel? Excited, nervous, and positive. I will have six weeks to train and really enjoy my last change. Even if training isn't fun (I will try to do everything within my power so that it is) I am going to love my last six weeks…I have to work until the end! I worked hard this week. I am losing weight, eating better, and trying to improve my Spanish. I have been relying on the Lord more…I feel positive. But none of our 6 baptisms happened. They all fell through...that just means I am going to have to work harder. I hope I get an excited companion...I am so ready to work really hard my last change. I want to get home...feeling exhausted."
We watched a video with our investiagators this week. There is a scene when Christ is carrying his cross and the people are spitting at him, people are mocking him after being whipped, etc. I realized in that moment that I have nothing to complain about. I had had an experience this past week when someone made fun of me for my spanish and for being North American. It hurt. I have been mocked a lot on my mission. But all that pain went away when I realized what Christ went through. What a privilege! To walk the footsteps of Christ! Even though our scale compared to his is VERY small, but still, I am doing this for Christ, and what a priviledge it is to walk in a part of his life. So, we have an investigator that has massage beds...2 bucks for 40 minutes. Its like this jade rock or something. Wow. I was/am so relaxed. We went this morning. I really needed it. I think it relaxed me too much though, haha. I didn't really care about anthything today. I was in bed most of my pday (my preparation day to prepare for the rest of the week)....just relaxing and resting. I need it so much!
Today I went to buy food at the local UniMarc. They didn't pass my credit card right, so I had to wait for like 20 minutes while they tried to fix it. As the situation was happening, a human being would want to get annoyed and frustrated. I felt it, but didn't show it. And moreover everyone was watching me. One, because I am a blond and stick out like a sore thumb and two, because I am a missionary. I realizad I had the opportunity to be a representative of Christ. I remained calm. When the problem was fixed, I told her thank you, that it was ok and not to worry. I would not have done that without the (Holy) Spirit…without saying my morning prayer. The Spirit is so wonderful…it is the only thing that helps us progress, without it, we don't progress. I am grateful for this opportunity to have been a representative of Christ.
I thought yesterday would be just a normal day, a normal Sunday. At church we had the priviledge of hearing a great talk. For awhile, I have been praying for something, and have not yet recieved the answer, until yesterday. I just haven't felt the love of the Lord in my life, that he loves me. I have been praying to feel something of His love, like a hug or something. I haven't felt it each time I have prayed. As he talked, he said something that answered my prayer and the Spirit started to grow inside of me. He shared a story about how much God loves his children. I started to cry...but not just tears. I was crying hard…but from happiness and the Spirit that was in me. I felt SO loved. I can't explain that all encompassing feeling of love that my spirit felt. I was trying not to cry afterwards, but I felt so happy. Members were coming up to me, asking me if I was ok. It was a wonderful experience. The Lord always answers our prayers…but not always in the way we expect. I wanted to feel like a hug or something…He gave me much more than that. Answered it in a much more powerful way. I can't deny now that He loves me…nor will I ever be able. That feeling made such a lasting impact on me…never to be forgotten.
"Well where do I start? With the festivities? The 200 year mark in Chile wasn't that bad. The festivities lasted for four days. So the first night, there were losts of people out in the street. One group invited us to dance with them and some guy gave us cheezits on the street. Haha. Then I'm thinking, "Wow, this is only the first night, tomorrow, the actual independence day will be worse." Haha, I was wrong. I think people got tired of the festivities, because it really quieted down after that.
"So, last Monday night, well, I should say Tuesday morning, I get a call at 1:50 in the morning from the Hermanas (the other sister missionaries) that sleep in the room right next to mine. I thought to myself how strange that they are calling. I didn't think much of it and didn't answer it. I put it on silence and wanted to go back to bed. But not long after, both Hermanas came into our room and told us that someone was downstairs. They had been hearing things for like 10 minutes: drawers opening in the kitchen, rustling in the living room, etc. Wow, your mind just goes crazy fast in those types of situations. I was super calm (thanks to the Spirit of the Lord), and we closed the door, tried to put a chair under it, and said a prayer. We felt that we needed to call our leaders, so we did. Then we waited, listening. We heard nothing. About 10 minutes later, we go down the stairs (me, with a comb in my hand to protect myself). No one was there, except they left the sliding glass door open. Nothing was taken. It was obvious that someone had looked through a couple of the drawers in the kitchen, but nothing was out of place. I didn't feel fear. The next day, we called and told the Mission President what had happened, and the Elders (the male missionaries) came over to see what needed to be done in the apartment. We left them there and went out to work. As we came back in the night, probably about 6 of the neighboors were bundled outside of our house. They asked me to explain what had happened. I did. One neighbour just says, "It could've just been a cat!" They tried to convince me, being a little contentuous, that nothing happened, that the guy couldn't have gotten in. I had to be patient and calm with them. No one believed us! So the Elders, being awesome, re-inacted the "break-in." They got in from the street and into the house…perfectly. Totally possible! So, I have been living in another area all this week, taking the bus everyday to my area. Then, the landlord wouldn't answer his phone…so we couldn't do anything to secure the apartment more. Finally, on Saturday, we got a hold of him. In about an hour I will be moving back in the apartment. No worries, it is safe and secure and I feel at peace about it. This week has been crazy."
I am with an Hermana from St. George, Ut. This is only her third change here (she's only been here 4 1/2 months). I am excited to work with her and that means that we will be depending on my spanish....:) Hope that goes well. It makes me feel good. The Lord has confidence in me. We are up in the mountains. I haven't seen a level part of the area yet. Oh fun, summer is arriving....I am excited to work in another area. I am up in the north of the mission...it is different from the south where I was. People are a little harder here, but its ok, the spirit is what softens them up.
We didn't have baptisms this past change; the first time that I have not had a baptism in a change. Its ok. I had to learn that it didn't mean that I was a failure. My companion from the MTC (the missionary training center) is now there, in my old area. She is going to rock it and everyone is going to love her.
"A funny story. Yesterday we walked by an area where they were selling all sorts of things ( I believe every Chilean breaks the Sabbath day because of these ¨sunday markets.¨) A guy that obviously was selling fish (I could tell by the fish tails hanging off of his shoulder) said hi to me and told me that he would be my captain fisherman and that he does everything for me. Now my companion jokes that I have a capitan pescador (captain fisherman). I also got called ¨sweetie¨ by a guy on the street. This week has been full of adventures.
"I am getting tired of people that lie to us. I hope that I can have a better outlook, because I hate knocking doors now (to talk to people); it makes me just mad and sad. I get on the verge of tears. I have been in Chile for almost a year. One year of Chileans, well, people rejecting the gospel I should say. Five more months...."
"Last change, everyone told me to take care of Hermana Romagoza. She is just such a doll….well at the beginning of the change she told me that her foot was starting to hurt. We are missionaries…(we walk a lot)...I didn´t think much of it. Well, last week it started to get a lot worse. So, we were by the doctor one day and we went. He gave her some antibiotics and told us to wait a couple of weeks to see what was going to happen. The next day I asked her how her foot was….she said, 'Hermana, I am not going to lie, but it really hurts.' It was swollen! So we called the doctor, and he told her to rest. She rested for a day and a half and then we went back. We got an x-ray….he is pretty sure she has a fracture. Everyone told me to take care of her…and I end up giving her a fracture L I know it isn't my fault, but we do walk a lot in this area. So, we haven't been working at full pace this past week. The more we walk, the more she hurts. Tomorrow we will know more…pray for her? Diego and Andres got confirmed (they are now members of the LDS church)…thanks for your prayers. Can you pray for their father, Marco? That he will have the will to stop smoking? And Julianna and Reyel? That they will have support from their families for their baptism? Please…thanks so much. I have a lot of work to do in this sector and I don't know if I have the energy to do it. But I know that Christ will help me...."
Investigators to pray for:
"Marcos, Andres and Diego- that they will go to church and accept the gospel/know that it is true and get baptised soon.
Julianna and Rayel- Support from their family, that they will get baptised this weekend.
Carla and Nicole- Go to church next Sunday and get baptised on the 30th of June.
We have four baptisms planned! Pray for these people please!
"Being Senior Comp. is strange. My companion has a lot of confidence in me. I lead the lessons and decide stuff. Weird. Its a great feeling sometimes, but a lot of responsibility. She is a great support. She is very tranquila (laid back) and I know we will have a great time together.
"Last night we were talking to this viejito (older man). He started talking about himself and starting crying for having lost his wife amongst some other things. I just felt this great love come over me in this moment. I really could feel the love that the Lord has for this man, as well as the pain from the hurt that he has. I became teary eyed. We really feel the Lord's love as missionaries. I will never forget just this blanket of love come over me. That is extremly powerful love. There is a level of love that we grow to understand amongst our brethren and within our families. I am so grateful to have felt that love that the Lord has for Jaun and testify of it to him."